Monday, April 29, 2013

Assignment 5

Bank America sues itself in unusual foreclosure

On March 29, 2012, Bank of America was seeking to foreclose on a condominium and named the condo owner and Bank of America as defendants in the suit. The company is literally seeking damages from itself in order to foreclose on the condo owner. I find this interesting with the way Bank of America is handling the case. Apparently this isn't an unusual practice for Bank of America as they also did it 11 more times in the same month alone.

Assignment 3

Task 1.

We had two guest speakers, Dr. Harrison and Mr. Gentry, come to class to speak about real estate in their lives, specifically the project they are working on in town. They both graduated from Texas A&M and were part of the corp. Dr. Harrison works in medicine at A&M and Mr. Gentry is a lawyer.

They are both working on a $4.7 million project off of Briarcrest and Highway 6. They receive their funding through a play from the city of Bryan. The city uses a Tax Incremental Reinvestment Zone to get their funding. The expected date of completion is August 2013. 

What most interested me was how Dr. Harrison actually acquired the land. Apparently, his great grandfather won it playing a game of poker. I wonder what his winning hand was.

Assignment #2

Task 1.

Private restrictions on real estate basically are the limitations on property owners of what they can and cannot do with their property. Common tools used to limit the way a property owner can use a property are covenants, conditions, and restrictions.

Importance of CC&R's in Home Buying

Task 2.

Public restrictions include taxation, eminent domain, police power, and escheat. A common tax includes property tax. Eminent domain is the right of the government to take private property for public use upon the payment of just compensation. Police power is the power to regulate use of private property to protect public health, safety, morals and general welfare. Escheat is the government’s right to acquire ownership of land when the landowner dies without an heir or a valid will.

Deleware Case over Eminent Domain

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Task #2

One of my favorite pieces of real estate in the world is good ole' Kyle Field. There is nothing better than a Saturday night listening to the 12th man and watching the Aggies beat the hell out of whoever it is they are playing that week. What I really like about Kyle Field is that even though its been improved many times, its location has never been moved since 1904. One of the most exciting things around Aggieland right now is the expansion of Kyle Field. It will be very interesting to see how it ends up. See the last picture below for a possibility of the new and improved Kyle field, technology willing.

Assignment #1

Howdy! My name is Colton Winters and I am a senior finance major at Texas A&M University. I'm from Montgomery, TX. I lived in three different cities before moving off to college. I was born in Bryan, TX and lived there until the fifth grade. Being from Bryan and having my dad graduate from Texas A&M made me know this was the school I needed to be apart of. After living in Bryan, we moved to Lexington, South Carolina. I really enjoyed my time there and made some great friends, but it wasn't Texas. Two years later we moved to Montgomery, TX, the place I consider home. My biggest hobby in life is sports. I enjoy playing any sport as often as I can. I love to hunt, play with my dog, and watch movies. A few items on my bucket list are skydiving, visiting as many countries as I can in Europe, and learning how to play the piano. My short-term career goals are to find a job in the Dallas area after graduating in August. My long-term goal is to work in the financial fraud field. Something unique about me is that I had an internship last summer with the United States Secret Service. I had the opportunity to meet some incredible people including George W. Bush and Mitt Romney. My favorite website is Texags. I enjoy keeping up with all things aggie sports related. What I hope to get out of this course is a solid understanding on real estate. I hope to have a good plan for my future as it pertains to my real estate purchases.